So I started to PVR his afternoon show. S thinks I'm nuts, but whatever, I'm crushin on him. Leave me alone.
Yesterday's episode was about his quest to help a 31 year old woman that is over 700lbs. She graduated high school at over 500 lbs so this has been her life. She was on the Dr. Oz show because she wants to do something about it. What I loved about this episode was the frank discussion with her that her medical numbers/results from her blood work are astronomical. Death sentence numbers. And he was frank about it. No pussy footing around with her, she needs to do something and do something now. It was a good episode..
We'll see what today's epi brings!
In other news - today is haircut day. Not sure what I'm going to do with it.... but here is my before (god what a bad picture)... but before pictures are always bad...
But I think my hair is worse... flat boring.....blah.
Hair at noon - will take an "after" AFTER.
peace out!
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