Monday, July 30, 2018

A blip in the road

I knew it would happen. The dreaded time when the weight would stop the downward trend and either stall or start to creep up.

Normally this would not bother me but it does because it's around that magic number again that I repeatedly have issues with. It's honestly like my body rejects losing any additional weight.

My weight this monday was 189.0 back up 1.5 lbs. Now, I know that it's TOM weight as I'm right smack in the middle of it and I know I didn't not drink as much water as I should have this weekend but still, it's that damn magic number.

One thing to note is that my cycle was 29 days this month as opposed to the 24-26 days that it has been for the last year or so. Not sure it means anything, just worth noting.

Back to my weight - hopefully this time I press on and continue to work at getting the number down again.

I've decided to add IF (intermittent fasting) into my daily life as well, at least on the weekdays. I've done it before but I've been a little slack lately and my eating hours have been creeping later into the evening.

I don't eat breakfast unless it's on the weekend but I do get up early so this could be tough. I will ease into it.

Today I'll do a 10-6ish and then try to work my way up to 11am. I do like to have my BPC in the AM as it keeps me full until lunchtime, but I'll have to put that off until later in the morning now. I still want to have it because I get my healthy fats in with the coffee which I don't necessarily get later in the day. Plus I think it's better to eat the fats in the am rather than at night. No scientific reason or proof for that other than it makes sense to me! :)

So mini goals this week - drink more water and try to get on IF routine.

The heat should be leaving us later this week - thank god! It's been crazy hot.... need to get back out for my daily walks with the pup!

1 comment:

  1. I just wrote about intermittent fasting...which I started doing simply because I’m not a breakfast person....but it’s working for me!

    Don’t focus on the numbers on the scale! You know why it’s up a bit. I’ve been trying to think in terms of ‘within three pounds of my lowest weight, I’m ok’. So two days ago I was 244.6. Today I was 255.4...and that’s ok...fluctuation. As long as I don’t go over 247.6 I’m within normal fluctuation!
