Thursday, May 30, 2019

Birthday and early end of the month post

Today is my birthday - I'm 47! This is the first birthday in years that I have been excited to celebrate. I don't love birthdays. I love my kid's birthdays as I love to celebrate them but I have not been one to put myself into the spotlight.

It's been one year since I switched to a HFLC (high fat, low carb) way of eating and it was the best thing I've ever done. 

I did reach my weight loss goals plans of getting to 175 but once I got there I didn't want to stop. I set my next goal at 165 and now I've adjusted again to 155.

I have become healthier this year through the food that I put into my body, or rather the food that I no longer put into my body. People ask me all the time, don't you miss this or don't you miss that? Of course I do. I miss pizza, but I can substitute a bread crust for a different crust at home and I'm happy with that. Do I miss fresh Cobb's bread that is baked fresh in the morning? Of course, but I don't miss feeling frumpy, not being able to find clothes that fit me and feeling exhausted at the end of the day.

So yes, I miss cake, I miss sugary drinks, but not enough. I have had a total of 3 pieces of cheesecake in the last year. I would normally eat 3 pieces of cheesecake in a week (if we had the cake hanging around!)  Cheesecake is my downfall. But that's ok. The 3 times I've had it, I have cherished each and every bite.

Ok  - so onto May results. I wasn't going to post until tomorrow but with my birthday dinner tonight I can only expect that my weight may make a bit of a jump in the morning so I'm doing today. And it's my birthday, so there's that!

A few weeks ago I was so mad that my weight was not dropping, in fact it was going up and I could not see a way to get it to stop. I wasn't doing anything different but the scale was not going in the right direction.  Go figure.

On the may long weekend (may 20 to be exact), I joined the local gym. I've been wanting to do it for awhile but I'm also intimidated by it. I spent lots of time watching youtube videos on how to setup a workout routine and how to use different machines.

I have been there 5 times (taking a day off between each session) and I feel great. I'm sore... super sore, but I feel great. I do a bit of cardio at the beginning, then weight train a specific area of my body (legs/glutes, arms/chest, back/shoulders) and then I finish off with 5-10 minutes of light cardio (bike, elliptical etc) and then a light stretch. I'm there for 60-90 minutes usually.

I feel GREAT! Did I say that already? And the scale this morning?! 167.5 :)  So I achieved my may goal of 168 (although one day shy) and I'm ready to kill June!

I'm not one for posting pics but I had to do the selfie in the gym bathroom to try and track my progress. 

Wish I took a bat arms picture as that is my least favorite part of my body, but I was trying to steal the pic quickly before anyone came in! (tee hee)

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the loss!!!! You are killin’ it!!!!!!!
