Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Plugging Along

This past weekend was lovely.  On Saturday, went out for a family walk to Watershed Park with Nick and his girlfriend. We took the dogs and had a great walk in the trees. The park itself is quite large so even though the parking lot was packed, you see very few people. 

There are areas that are flat and wide but then there are also a wide variety of bike trails which we followed and enjoyed more so than the straight paths. 

It's a place that is just so quiet and tranquil that you can just walk and look at the big trees and listen to the birds. And the dogs love chasing the squirrels. Nick and his gf loved it and I think they will return again on their own. 

Sunday we dinged out the garage and filled up the new shed :)  My garage is finally clean. Maybe I can get a new car now :) 

The general mood in our home has been lighter the last few days. I realize that we are going to go through some dips here and there, but I feel it's lighter and healthier. I hope so. 
I just finished up TOM and so my weight has been fluctuating all over the place, BUT it does appear that I'm down 1.4 lbs from last wednesday and at 183.4 today. I was hoping that it would be a bit lower but all in all I'm happy. 

On friday I did indulge in a few glasses of wine with the neighbours for an outside covid-friendly gathering in the cul-de-sac. But Saturday I switched up the wine and had 2 white claws and then Sunday I had nothing. I call that a win. 

Saturday we have a friends 50th birthday dinner so there will be wine, so I will limit on friday or not have anything. And sunday is thanksgiving and there will be wine  as the MIL is coming over and that is to keep my sanity while she's there. 

We've decided to not cook a traditional turkey this year and instead do another fondue night. I find it's more social with the family and a whole shit ton less work for me, so fondue it is!!! 

Have to go to get my mammogram this afternoon. Hopefully no findings there. 

So a few hurdles to get through this week, but all in all, looking pretty good. 


  1. That park looks so beautiful! I can't wait to get back to trail running. I know my legs aren't strong enough just yet, but I love trails.

  2. Love that you posted pictures! It looks beautiful!
    p.s. do you have a "follow" button on your blog so I can follow you? Enjoy reading your stories :)

    1. Thanks!.... I've added an email link. Thanks for reading. Originally this blog was just a place for me to journal and hopefully keep myself accountable. Not really intended for others to read, but I'm happy that I have a few readers now!

  3. What a wonderful looking trail!!!!! I am happy to hear that it was a lighter week and not so somber and heavy! I keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers!!!

    And yay to fondue...easier for you and fun for all!!!
