Thursday, November 12, 2020

Quickie Check-In

Nothing overly exciting to see here. Had yesterday off for Remembrance Day (Canadian Version of Veteran's Day). 

But yesterday was also WI day. I hummed and hawed about changing my WI day from Wed to Monday but then decided against it. I have to stay accountable regardless of the day. With Tuesday acting like a Friday for me, I COULD have had a glass of wine or two, but decided against it. I had a big old tumbler of water and went to bed early. 

I lost 1 lb! I'm thrilled about it because my weight was up during the early part of the week which I'm pretty sure if ovulation gain as I was on track but you never know when the body wants to hold only extra weight so I was happy with the 1 lb.  


Barely in the 170s but I'm there and I do plan to stay there for a bit.... moving down, not up. 

My son's girlfriend just started a job at Starbucks and has some nice employee discounts so she got me this water tumbler. 

It's only 24 OZ so I have to fill it 4 times to get my daily water in, but I lurves it. Keeps my water cold and she's pretty too! 

So that's it... nothing too exciting. Hubby is off work for a few days so we will get an early costco shop in after I finish up work today and then just more of the same here in old Covid Lockdown Vancouver! 

God I hope they haven't bought up all the toilet paper again! :( 

1 comment:

  1. Great job on losing another pound! My stepson bought me a Yeti cup as a gift, and it's been great. I drink way more water now that I can keep it nice and cold.
