Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Change My Mindset

 Ok - WI Wednesday again and I did not lose this week. Stayed exactly the same at 172.8


Today I woke up and honestly did not care what the scale would say back to me. Normally on a wednesday morning I get a bit of nerves just before I step on the scale as I know the number that is shown back at me is what I need to "record" as my weekly number. I know the number is not actually recorded into anything official but for me it's my official accountability marker. 

But today, I didn't feel those nerves.  I think this is the reason why... 

Since my annual physical and my lab work, my mind has shifted somewhat. Not totally but I feel more excited about making my body healthy than the my weight. I figure as I make myself more healthy, the weight hopefully will just fall in line. 

After seeing some rather alarming lab numbers I decided to try and make a few changes. Some will be easy and some will not be as easy. 

I am moving more. On weekday mornings, I will take out 15-25 minutes to do a quick work out. Since last wednesday I have done 4 workouts.  2 upper body and 2 lower body. I like to do them right before my lunch and then at lunch I continue with my walk with Murphy.  I feel good.  I have done a few quick peeks at my blood pressure and it seems to be happy and not having any crazy spikes like it has in the past.  

With regards to food, I have cut back on my cheese intake, removed whipping cream and I am going to try to eat less red meat. I know I eat quite healthy as it is right now but I can always improve that as well. 

I have really  tried to limit my carbs this past week. The weekend I still had a few glasses of wine, but I counted them and although I went over my carbs on those days, I still stayed under 50!  Ideally I want to be under 30 each day. 

So although the scale did not move this week, I did and I feel so much better for it. Well not right now as  I have some serious DOMS kicking in on my legs and my arms but it's a good pain! I like muscle pain when I know I've pushed them. 

Can't be promising that I won't be stressing about the scale numbers again in the future but for now, I have a new focus and hopefully a healthier one. 

1 comment:

  1. I am also trying to shift my thinking from weight and appearance, to my health and well-being, both mental and physical. Obviously focusing on a number on the scale is not working for me, so something needs to change.
