Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Fad Diet vs Way of Eating ?

 I've tried many of them. Probably too many to even remember but yes, I've been a regular visitor of the fad diet. Some have "worked" and many have not. I put "worked" in quotations because even though I lost the weight while I was on the diet, I could not sustain the diet and ended up quitting and thus gaining the weight all back and then some. 

Of all the Fad Diets that I've done, I've only had success with 2 of them. The first was Weight Watchers back in 2003. I started the diet after I had my second son and when I was able to really focus on myself. I had 1 year of maternity leave from work so I could dive deep into books, blogs, community forums and do all the research that I need to be successful. It worked. I lost the weight and felt amazing. However, when I returned to work, the weight started to creep back on. I was back working downtown with an hour commute each way and often too tired to make healthy lunches or even healthy dinners. Working a full day and then having to become "mom" when I got home meant that I didn't make time for myself to go to WW meetings or take care of myself. Little by little the lbs crept back on. 

The 2nd "fad" diet that I have had success with was the Keto diet. At first, my goal with this diet was to remove the sugars and white foods from my diet (rice, flour, bread etc) in hopes that it might kick start some sort of lb droppage. I started the Keto diet on my birthday in 2018.  There were ups and downs and I've fallen off so to speak a few times as well, but for the most part, I have kept the weight off with this diet and not only that, it's honestly been the easiest diet that I have ever done. I'm not even going to call it a diet anymore, it's a way of eating for me. 

The issue for me now is that I've stalled. I've been at the same weight for almost a year. It wavers up and down a few lbs but pretty much the same weight. 

I do have a few lbs that I want to lose, mainly for health reasons in that I do believe I can get off my bp meds if my weight drops by another 10-15 lbs. That's all I want!!! 10-15 lbs!!! It's so hard though. 

On the weekend I started reading the book " The Obesity Code - unlocking the secrets of weight loss " by Dr. Jason Fung. Yes, Jason Fung is a supporter of intermittent fasting and keto, which was likely why I chose to read his book. I'm only a little ways into it but it's opening up my eyes about weight, weight loss and how our bodies function.  After dieting for the majority of my life, I do believe I'm an expert on the subject. I believe I know how to diet, it's just putting the plan into motion that is often the tricky part.  The main focus on this book is how insulin works in our bodies which I have NEVER really paid attention to. I have to admit, I've always only thought of insulin as an issue for diabetics, but that is not the case. It's opening my eyes a bit. 

Maybe this book will help provide me with the answers or at least some hints on what I can do to drop the last few lbs and even if I can't drop the last lbs, maybe I'll learn other things to help me lead a healthier life. 

1 comment:

  1. I've read a bit about intermittent fasting and its benefits, and there definitely seems to be something there. When I was following the Fast 800, I didn't have nearly as many stomach issues. I need to get back to that!
