Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week 2 day 2

Last night was a good night. Went home, had fajitas for dinner and then went for a long walk with the hubs. Came home and watched BL with the fam and to bed by 10... not too bad!

Tonight will be different as R has a game and N has practice so we will be out running around until about 8pm. Will need to have some sort of dinner ready when we come home, or we could just have eggs... nothing wrong with eggs for dinner.

Yesterday's goals?
1. Drink my water - CHECK
2. Stay within pts - CHECK
3. 7000 steps! - CHECK 8000
4. 20 push ups - CHECK
5. try on swimsuit! - FAIL

Ok - first thing I noticed is that I have checked off drink water and stay within pts each day. Do I remove them or keep them on seeing as they are the goals that I really do want to achieve on a daily basis? I think I'll leave them for now seeing as I can't really come up with anything all that interesting anyways.

The swimsuit? Why did I not try it on? Cause I honestly ran out of time, and by the time I remembered I was already dressed for bed.  I will do it.. I'm sure it will fit but I do need to check anyways.

Today's goals
1. Drink my water
2. Stay within pts
3. 5500 steps
4. 24 push ups
5. cut up veggies for lunch tomorrow

I'm home tomorrow but I still want to be prepared so that I don't munch on everything all day. Have a funeral to attend tomorrow so it will be a sad day which may make me want to much all day.

I also checked the scale today and it's up a bit, but I expected that. I had a sodium filled dinner last night and honestly it's always higher on Tuesday than it is on monday. Must be something about the after wi day!

Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Personally I say keep those goals even though they are becoming habits. I say this because it only takes one day of NOT doing them to throw me back into my old habits of not tracking and not drinking enough!
