Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Week 2 - Day 3 Struggles

Today will be different as I'm working from home today so that I can attend a funeral in the afternoon. The Funeral is for the mother of a friend of N, so I'm more going for him than for me. I didn't know the woman the passed but her daughter is close to N so we both thought it would be important for him to be there to support her.  Days like these make me realise that my baby is no longer my baby, he's growing up, showing responsibility and will one day no longer need me... Well need me in the mothering sense.  As sad as this afternoon will be I look forward to spending some time with N.

Working from home means my hours will be a bit wonky and so will the temptations of being home and working 10 feet away from my fridge! But considering I was an utter failure yesterday with my goals, I will need to be in super control today of my grazing and snacking.

So the goals:
1. Drink my water  - I'll say FAIL as I did not drink when I got home
2. Stay within pts  -  Went over by 1, but I'll call that a CHECK cause I had extra activity pts to consume
3. 5500 steps - FAIL - only managed 3800. Bad..
4. 24 push ups - FAIL
5. cut up veggies for lunch tomorrow - FAIL

ok - so it was a good thing that I didn't delete the goals that I thought were habit by now. Apparently they are not. The one thing that is helping me is this blog. I think by blogging every day it keeps me in check and makes me review my prior day to see how I was doing. This is not something I did in the past and I would get off track so easily.

New goals for today:
1. Drink my water and maybe some of yesterday's water
2. Stay within pts
3. 8000 steps
4. 24 push ups - 2X!
5. go shopping for more veggies and prep

I should be able to reach all of these goals and hopefully exceed them. Last night was busy when I got home from work with the kids. S was at the hockey game so I had to do the running around by myself. That was all fine but it really took away the "me" time that I like to have each evening. Oh well, working from home today should give me some "me" time.

The one other thing I noticed is when S is not home, I tend to not plan very well with my food. I snack, I pick, I graze rather than planning out a meal and eating it.  This is more of laziness than anything else. I figure if I'm making the kids dinner and I don't want to eat it, rather than make myself dinner, I'll just pick at things; nuts, bread, yogurt etc.  I need to be better about sitting down and eating a meal. That will make my mind check off the "dinner" check box and stop me from grazing all night. When I don't have a proper sit down meal at night I give myself permission to graze all night because I never had dinner. And I end up over eating.

So...we will see how today goes. Apart from the sadness of this afternoon, I do look forward to my challenges and my N time!

Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I'm the myself and I eat all wonky and unplanned. Planning really is key for my success!
