Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Week 3, day 2

I'm starting to enter HORMONAL WEIGHT GAIN week. I happens every month, some months are worse than others. Last month I saw a 5 lb gain that lasted for a few days and I was so uncomfortable for a few of those days. I looked back in my food diary on those days to see what I ate to try and avoid the same types of foods..

Guess what? I didn't post on those days..... how can I be accountable if I'm not honest with myself!?

So, lesson learned, I need to post, every day, even the bad ones so that I can use them as reference later on.

So far so good, no big cravings but I know they are coming. I bought some 100 Cal Revellos last weekend and hopefully if the kids have not found and eaten them all, there might be 1 or 2 left to get me through the week/weekend.

I'm feeling really good, feeling like I'm a size 6.. when of course I know I'm not. I will be so happy to see a 1 on that scale next week (fingers crossed) and a new size in my clothes soon....

Yesterdays goals?
1. water - need to get this in as weekend was bad  - CHECK
2. find a healthy lunch as I didn't pack one  - CHECK subway!!
3. Walk today - 8000 steps  - CHECK 9000
4. pushups 2 sets of 18 - FAIL
5. plan out meals for lunch tomorrow  - CHECK

today's goals:
1. Water
2. Stay within points
3. Walk 6000 steps  - only doing this if the rain stops... so might not happen.
4. Pushups 2 sets of 18
5. plan out lunch again tomorrow.
I feel better today than I have in many.... I know the moods will shift this week as well, but for now it's all GOOD! 

1 comment:

  1. The good thing? You KNOW it's hormonal weight. Knowing that will keep you focused to not get all wonky when you see the numbres on the scales! :-)

    And I call yesterdays goals a resounding successs! You smashed through all of the ultra important ones!
