Thursday, June 18, 2015

7 days later....

So I technically finished the Whole30 a week ago, and I still feel good. I'm keeping my limit of grains and dairy to a minimum and I have very limited sugar and alcohol. Like one drink a week!

I feel good, but I have plateaued. I don't think it's technically an official Plateau because those are defined when you have not lost or gained for a period longer than a month, but a week seems about right to me. I am the same weight that I was a week ago. Well one lb less but I think that was just water weight.

Anyways, I have read a bunch about whole 30 and plateaus and they are actually quite common, especially after the 30 days because we start to sneak things back in. One thing that I definitely started sneaking was trail the handful. Love the stuff.

So I'm taking a break from trail mix and I'm counting again. I'm back on myfitnesspal and it's been good. I have cut back on my food a bit and hopefully by next week I will see the scale move a bit more.

And more water... how come it's such a struggle to get in a little bit of water each day. I love drinking it, I'm just too lazy to get up and pour it I guess.

I am concerned about S. He's gaining soo much weight and it's all in his belly. He doesn't seem to care. Well he does because he complains about it but then he goes right back to his beer etc.

I will try to help him. It's hard to be nagged at though.

Anyways... onward and upward.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day 30 W30

Ha!  I didn't quit. Well I quit a little but I didn't whole-hearted quit!

I learned a lot on this journey. I learned that started a new diet that weans you off of your favorite food will hurt... a lot. Like it makes you go blind and you have the poops for days!

I also learned that carbs make me hungry.. ALL THE TIME!!!

I have started in the last few days to add back a few of the carbs that I cut out. And guess what? The weight is starting to reappear on the scale.

I was not the type to stay off the scale. I'm a daily weigh-er... it's just the way I am. I have started to add back sugar and that is the one that seems to make me hungrier during  the day.

SO I have decided I'm going to try to eat as closely to Whole30 as I can and then have one day (on the weekend) that I can splurge.  Have a drink, have a bun... whatever.

In total I lost about 8 lbs this month. Not bad, but I think I could have done a little better. Not sure about my measurements as I haven't taken them yet. I'll do that later and share the results.

I do like the way my skin feels and how much better I sleep. No heartburn and S says I even stopped snoring!!  I'm going for some blood work soon so it will be nice to see if that changed as well.

I'm going to go back to no sugar for the week and see if that starts moving the scale again. I also need to drink more water... drinking water just doesn't seem to be a habit for me

Starting  Ending 
Weight 215 207.5 7.5
Bust 45.75 44 1.75
Waist  42.25 41 1.25
Hips 47.5 46.75 0.75
Thighs 27 26.5 0.5

Not too shabby and definitely motivation to keep going. 

Filling up my water bottle right now!