Friday, June 17, 2022

1/2 way to vacay!!

At the start of the month I had some recovery to do from the crazy month that was may. Although I didn't show a gain at the end of the month, my weight did some crazy fluctuations during May and I know my body needed to do some healing of that. 

So how did June start? I started the month at 174.2, right about where I have been for the last 4 or so months. I had one final birthday celebration and although it included exercise (biking), it also included many stops at breweries, cideries and with a final end with a BBQ at home with the crew!  We had a blast and it was worth it. I knew that after this celebration, I was going to have to get serious and buckle down if I wanted to get things under control before vacation. 

oh - take a look at this adorable cake my girlfriends got me!! 

So right after my "final" birthday celebration, I decided I needed to buckle down. And then my period started. I had had a surprise period in May, so I figured I wasn't due until the end of June but nope.... it had made another appearance!... 

With that came the bloating and the cravings etc etc. 

I'm happy to say I stayed on track. Doing my IF 20:4 and even got a 22:2 in a few times and the scale finally started to budge. This week I was down to 171.5. I'm so happy about that. 

I've pretty much eliminated dairy, nuts (with the exception of peanut butter) and any snacks. 

I often break my fast with a protein shake with peanut butter and then I don't have anything until dinner which is usually a large serving of protein (beef, pork, fish or chicken) and veggies/salad. 

Feels so good that the scale is finally moving and my clothes are fitting better. I have some nights where I'm not sleeping as well as I'd like, but that could also be my allergies and allergy meds that I'm taking. 

Been sporadically measuring my blood glucose and it's been perfect.. Between 80-100 before and after meals! 

Hopefully I can continue this comfortable rhythm into vacation as I know that's going to be another hurdle. 

Father's day weekend this weekend and another family dinner out, but I'm not too worried about it. 

Oh... and the warmth has finally started to arrive!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Uhm, it's June!

Where did the month of may go to!? 

It's been a whirlwind.  Lots of celebrations this month, a few vacation days sprinkled in and not much to report in the weight loss department. 

I started off May in the mid 170s and with the known celebration dates in the month, I fully expected to end the month in a similar position or possibly worse! 

I also had a surprise visit from Aunt Flo mid cycle... so that caused some serious unwanted/unplanned bloat! 

On Tuesday 24th of May, I weighed in at 179.4!!! thanks. Way too close to get back to the 180s.  It scared me because I had vacation planned that week, my birthday and a 25th anniversary party. All in one week. 

I still had the bulk of celebrations in the last week and I was determined to not enter the 180s for June! 

My plan? Intermittent fasting 20:4 and making sure I was eating enough during my eating window. Lot's of protein and fat! 

My birthday weekend involved a few slices of cake, a few drinks and a bunch of dinners out but I managed to keep within my plan. 

Today, June 1st - I weighed 174.2. 

Not bad. I will take it. 

Going to continue with the same plan for the next month as we have our main summer vacation planned July 2-9th. We are going somewhere warm so there will be shorts and bathing suits.... and likely bad choices with food and drinks! 

Would love to lose a few more lbs in the next month but I will be happy if my weight stayed the same and did not get higher. 

One month!!