Thursday, November 4, 2021

A little update

Just a quick update. 

I seem to have recovered from my fall last week. My bruise is almost gone and in all honesty, my shoulder feels so much better. I've been doing some small exercises here and there and it seems to be helping. 

We went out with friends on saturday. We went for a bike ride to a local brewery and then rode our bikes to the pub and had a few drinks and dinner. It was nice to get out and ride (although super cold) and see friends. Was the first alcoholic drink I had had since Thanksgiving but I kept it small. Did not have anything on Friday either so just one day of the weekend. Didn't quite make it the full month of October, but I think I did well. Didn't lose a ton of weight but also didn't snack as much at night time. So... win. 

My weight has been pretty much staying lower the last few weeks. I have been forgetting to record my weight on my app before I get dressed in the morning and I even forgot to step on the scale yesterday for WI day. oops. So I did today as my WI day. My weight was 170.6 so down just over 1/2 a lb from last week (171.3).  I'm good with that. Inching ever so closer to the 160s again! 

Making some minor changes in my diet this week. I've added apple cider vinegar to my morning and evening (before bed) as I want to be better at regulating my blood sugar. I've tested my blood sugar a few times and it's inching up again. I know it's likely due to halloween candy so I have cut out all the halloween candy and added the ACV to hopefully bring it down and regulate it a bit better. 

That's it for now. It's cold and rainy today (all week). 

Oh yeah... and we are getting a puppy!!! Saw a post that our breeder had a litter (9 black labs)  a few weeks back. I figured I'd send her a message and if she had one available, great, if not, that was fine too! Well she just had a cancellation so we will be welcoming a new member into the home on November 26th!!! 

Not sure how Murphy will accept him. Murph's a cranky 7 year old lab that likes to be king of his castle. A new baby will interrupt his life for sure. 

Now we are just thinking of a name. Henry? Hank? Wally? 

Might need to meet him first to finalize a name. :) 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a real good time. I haven't riden my bike in ages. We did go for a short run yesterday morning. It was cold. My weight is up so this week I am focusing on nutrient dense whome foods. I simply must lose weight. All I have done is gain. Great to hear you have recovered from that nasty
