Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Experiment Results

 Well, the experiment results were non existent. In other words, changing "when" I ate didn't really have any affect on my weight or Blood glucose results. If anything, I likely ate a bit less and I ended up sneaking in some candy at night. I might have done the candy sneak even if I had regular eating window but trying to eat a dinner type meal at lunchtime is just a big fail. 

I don't have the time to make a big dinner so it usually ended up being soup/sandwich or eggs, or something leftover. I think I finished most days around 1300 calories.  But then I added candy on top of that. So..... nothing really to report. 

When I started the experiment on September 19th I was 177.4 on the scale. Today I was 175.9. So really no change. My weight got down to 173 but then jumped back up again on the weekend. 

My issue? It's not when I eat... it's the damn weekends!!! I need to somehow figure out how to stay on track during the weekends. 

But that's been something I have struggled with the last 3 years and really my whole life minus the 2 years where I was very focused 

It's so frustrating. My sleep is good, my blood pressure is good. I just would love to see a new number on the scale. I'm in my 50s now so I know it's going to be harder to shake the excess weight but I know it's doable. It is just going to take more willpower than what I'm giving it right now. 


  1. I changed my exercise routine. Instead of 4 mile run/jog after work I do 2 in the morning & 2 at night. I know I have to eat less & get away from sugar. I have started to bring less for lunch too. Last week was no change but hoping to see what this weeks weigh in is.

    1. Crossing my fingers for you! Hopefully the routine shake up does it for you :)

  2. Well it didn't change the scale! I need to focus on what & how much I eat.

  3. Dang - same situation with me!

  4. Do you still work out at the same intensity on weekends, or do you ease up because of other events going on? I eat more on the weekends too, but I try to make sure I exercise. Granted, the past few weeks I have barely exercised at all, so maybe I should say it's my plan to work out harder on the weekends, anyway!

  5. I exercise about the same although I do take Saturday's off. I now realize it is what I eat.

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