Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A rough start

Well it was a rough start yesterday. I did very well at work, eating roughly 2/3 of my allotted points for the day which would provide me with 12 or so points for dinner. Well that didn't happen. When I got home, dinner was not yet made - I know bratty to say, but when there is no dinner there is no plan. And when there is no plan, there is utter chaos!

I ate a granola bar, nutrigrain bar and 2 chocolate chip cookies while waiting for a decision on dinner. Then when a decision could not be made, I ate a small bowl full of tortilla chips. Do you see where this is going?

Nobody is hungry for dinner so I shared a bowl of pasta salad with R and then had a hamburger bun with a slice of cheese in it. And then another one (although R took 1/2 from me).

Then we went out and got ice cream. A small bowl of cherry ice cream.

And then I had 2 cans of ginger ale.


But.... I recorded it - used up most if not all of my weeklies. I think I under estimated some of the items but at least I tried.

Let's hope today goes a bit smoother.

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