Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Summer just keeps ticking by

 It's been a few weeks since I last wrote, but honestly, I have very very little to report. 

The weather has been amazing since we got over that heat wave. Not a day of rain, even though we really could use a little from mother nature. Just wait... it'll decide to start raining during my next bout of vacation at the end of the month. 

We have been taking our bikes out for rides around here and there and are loving them. Even hooked up my blue tooth speaker and played a few playlists on our ride down to the beach last weekend. Was so relaxing and enjoyable!  Money well spent! 

My weight? Well, surprising, it's doing quite well. I have been weighing "almost" every day and it has been fluctuating a bit but it looks like I did lose the vacation bloat and I'm back in the 160s... barely, but I'm there. Would love to get down to 165 or low 160s by end of summer, but we will see. I'm not tracking at all or doing anything special with my eating so maintenance is just where it is right now. 

Planning a few trips while we are on vacation the end of July. We are going to head up to Whistler for a few days with the pooch and then maybe take a bike trip to Vancouver Island.  Hopefully the weather holds up for that. 


  1. Good job for losing the vacation bloat! And good job on the bike rides!

  2. I would love to see the 160s! Great job. I need to plan for the end of the summer too.
