Monday, July 5, 2021

We Survived It

We survived the heatwave. Barely. 

It got to 36 one day with high humidity so it felt more like 43.  For all ya Fahrenheit folks that is a heat of 96 with a feeling of about 109. 

And we don't have central air in our home. I debated calling a plumber on multiple occasions to come and install. Not that they would have been able to, but it made me feel like I was doing something to beat the heat. We do have a portable A/C unit in our bedroom but the boys' rooms felt like bake potatoes and they did not sleep well at all. 

We found relief by filling up a tiny little Mr Turtle pool and dipping our feet in it throughout the day.  On the Monday, which was the hottest day, I could not function. I felt like my brain was mush. I could probably not spell my name if someone asked. The dog was out of sorts as well. 

Everything returned to normal on the tuesday with lovely warm weather and a slight breeze. 

On Wednesday we bit the bullet and bought ebikes. We had ordered some ebikes back in april but after multiple delays in delivering we decided to up our budget significantly and buy more elite models and receive them that day!!  I LOVE my bike. 

We've been out riding every day since we got them and can't wait to plan some away trips too! 

BC basically opened up on July 1st (Canada Day) so we were free to visit friends that we have not seen in ages. They bought a home on the ocean last summer and it's gorgeous. Was so lovely to sit on their patio, drink wine and just gaze out at the sea. 

The gorgeous view from their patio 

So how did I do with exercise, eating etc during my week off?  During the heat wave, we did nothing. Drank a lot of water, ate very very small meals and did not exercise AT all. 

After the heatwave, we upped our food, replaced water with adult drinks or coffee,  but did work off a bit when we were riding. 

On 6/30 - which was my "official" weigh in day I was at 168.4!!!  Wooop. 

I am up significantly from that today - 173.2 but I'll reign it in this week and get back to it. Lots of water in my future. 


  1. I hate being hot! It is scary how hot it got for you guys. What exactly is an ebike? Is that a brand name or something special about the bike?

  2. I hate the heat!! We west coasters are not used to it AT all! An ebike is an electric bike. The ones that we got are pedal assist bikes so we have to pedal to make the bike move but it has a motor so it can give us a boost when we ride. We've been wanting to do longer rides (20-50 miles) at a time and my aching legs could not manage that without the motor to help.
