Monday, July 11, 2022

1 vacay down....

We got back from our vacation on Saturday. Had an amazing time. There were 32 of us in total that went away staying in 5 different homes. The weather was not as warm as it typically is when we go to Veranda Beach, but it was still nice. Saw some friends, relaxed and ATE and DRANK way too much. 

I knew it would happen. I just didn't think I would be sucked into all the sugary, floury treats. UGH.. 

And I'm paying for it now. My skin is on fire. It does not like processed carbs at all and I am basically one big eczema/psoriasis rash right now.   And I'm up about 3-4 lbs. 

Left about 171ish and came back at 174.4. So not terrible as I know much of that extra weight is bloat and if I get back on track it should disappear soon. 

I do worry because we are heading away again next Wednesday (20th) for our trip to Portland with friends. We are all taking our bikes as we plan to do a lot of bike riding but the food and drink is so amazing in Portland... and we all like to think ourselves as foodies so it will be a challenge. 

But after that, we are done.  Well at least done with group vacations.  The hubby and I have booked off 2 weeks at the end of the summer but that will just be us and so I can control the food and drink!

Going to spend the week getting back to IF as I seemed to eat from the minute I woke up until the minute I fell asleep when we were away.  Yesterday was the start and it went well. Did a 20:4 day with lots of water and electrolytes to rebalance! 

Now back to my laundry as there are heaps of it in my laundry room! 


  1. I am in the same boat, gained weight after our last beach trip, and we have another one coming up soon. I am struggling to get back to IF and actually stick to it!

  2. I'm not even on vacation and I've been gaining weight. I don't know what I'm doing. It's like it's the last supper. I know I've gotta pull it together. I've just tried so many different diets I just don't know which 1 to turn to this time. I'm glad to hear you had a great vacation.
