Monday, June 5, 2023

Diet Medications

 I have a very very good friend that has made the decision to hop on the Ozempic train. She is overweight and has struggled with her weight for many years and has done about every single diet that is out there.  She is usually quite successful when she finds a new way of eating and does well for 4-6 months and then an event or thing happens in her life and she goes back to her eating ways.  I'm also going to add that in no way is she morbidly obese. She would be considered obese by medical standards but isn't everyone??  She's quite active and exercises regularly but says she's just not happy in her own body. My guess is that she is approx 170 lbs and is 5'4. She might be less weight than that but it's a rough guess. Weight is not really something any of us are public about. 

On Saturday night she broke the news to my other friend and myself that she has been taking Ozempic for about a month. She is thrilled about it and lost about 12 lbs. She has a protein shake for breakfast, a small salad or veggies/dip for lunch and then a regular dinner. 

My immediate internal reaction was "Is she crazy?". Of course I did not voice that concern to her as I could see her excitement and I really didn't want to rain on her parade. 

I know there are pros and cons to all "diets" and weight loss theories. I for one have been on the very controversial low carb diet for almost  4 years now. I lost a chunk of weight following a Keto lifestyle and then transitioned to more low carb which I still follow now. I have maintained my weight within about 10 lbs for over 2 years. It creeps up, it goes does, but I am able to manage it fairly well. 

After I got over the initial concern of her taking a drug to lose weight and the possible complications and side effects one can have with any medication, my feelings turned from concern to anger and jealousy. 

Was she taking the easy way out? Why is it fair that I have to work my ass off to maintain or lose when she can give herself an injection once a week and lose tons of weight and it just be easy?

I was mad at myself to feeling this way. She's such a good friend and I love her immensely but I couldn't stop the feelings.  Why can't I just be happy that she has found a solution that will make her happy?  


  1. I totally understanding feeling that way. A friend of mine is taking some weight loss injection, and she doesn't even work out but has lost about 30 pounds now. It does feel like cheating or an unfair advantage, especially since my doctor said she won't recommend it due to the side effects, and that insurance likely wouldn't cover it. I would really like something to help me out, but I guess I need to bite the bullet and do the hard work on my own!

  2. I certainly understand how you are feeling. I have read the Pro & Cons of this medication. It is tempting however insurance won't cover it for weight loss. I wish weight loss was easy but seeing what your friend is eating, I think I would lose weight too. I don't want to be on a medication forever. I am so glad you didn't let the moment become uncomfortable. It is unfair that some of us must work harder than others. I work my ass off & believe me it can be very frustrating.

  3. I completely understand using medications or even surgery if it's a last ditch effort. You have tried everything else and nothing else works, but in all honesty, she's doing it cause it's the easy way. She's lost weight before, she can do it, but she's sick of putting it back on and the hard work of taking it off. One other reason is that she wanted to come off her bp meds but I think - you are just replacing one medication with a different one, where is the win? She pays out of pocket for it, about $300 a month at this point. I'm still struggling but I will support regardless... I just hope she stays healthy on it.

  4. You are good friend. We all need support. I understand her frustration but she could do it on her own. I remind myself of that every time I want attempt other means. I have gotten to goal in the past so I know I can do it. It is hard, but I am not ready to give up yet.

  5. Completely normal to feel that way. I feel that way sometimes too when I see people know only from the web doing that. I can imagine that it is worse when it is a close friend. You found what works for you and that is all that matters. I know it is hard to stay in your own lane though. I too look out the window and want to switch lanes but I know I am on the path that is meant for me.
