Monday, July 9, 2018

Plugging along

I have to admit, I feel a good 50% better than I did last week. Maybe it was a cold, maybe it was Keto flu but whatever it was, it's gone..

I still lack some energy but I think that is still part of the diet. Can't wait until I get a BURST of energy, like so many talk about.

WI yesterday showed down another 2 lbs! Woot woot.. That means I'm at a total of 16 down.

Had a bit of a scare on Friday - the previous friday I had my annual mammogram and on friday (one week later) I received a call from the hospital that I needed to return for an ultrasound. Luckily they were able to schedule me in within the hour so I didn't have much time to fret and worry.  Of course I did take to google to see what the percentage of cancer was found on "call back" mammograms. The numbers never look good online do they, even if it is only 17%.  It just ended up that I have a boob full of cysts, with the biggest being .6 cm.  Technician said nothing to worry about but they wanted to get some new measurements seeing as it had been almost 5 years since they measured them last. So.... after that excitement my weekend was kinda blah!

Went to a friends for dinner on friday night and I have to admit I was a bit disappointed that they didn't say anything about my weight loss. I def thought it was noticeable but I guess it's not as much as I thought. I hadn't seen them in a few moths either so it's not like they have seen me every day since I began this new way of eating. Oh well, I press on.

Good points were that I was able to stay on track at the dinner. I did end up having 4 drinks and I have to admit that I really cannot hold my alcohol any longer. OUCH.. I used to be able to drink a bottle of wine and now it's 2 or 3 glasses and I'm feeling loopy!

Sunday we lazed and just did chores around the house. Tried a few new recipes yesterday and and they were all failures!  Some things just can't be substituted!

Eg.  Roasted Radishes for roasted potatoes.. NECHT!

Low Carb cheese buns..  They will do in a pinch but I can't say I enjoyed them that much!

Hubby is slowly starting to fall off the diet. He ordered a beef dip this weekend when we went out for dinner and he had higher carb beers.  I'm not going to nag him even though it pains me to see him not taking care of his body. And the selfish part in me just wants him to do it with me, cause it's so much easier when you are doing it with someone.  He was happy with his results the last month but I think the boredom of food just got to him.  Maybe he will jump on the band wagon again..


  1. Yikes!!! Nothing worse than the scare of a call back after a ‘educational test!

    Disappointing I’m sure about the hubby and his eating habits...but remember, you only have control of YOUR actions!!!

  2. Yes, as with all people, if you try to push them they revolt... sigh
