Monday, February 4, 2019


Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy that I have lost almost 40 lbs since June and kept it off, however I'm extremely frustrated that I have an additional 15-20 to lose and I just can't seem to break the stall.

I've been at the same weight - give or take 3 lbs since October. I'm not sure why I can't lose the weight, I've been doing virtually the same things that I was doing from June to October but the scale is not moving.

It was not until I watched a video by Dr. Berg this morning regarding Metabolism.  Here is a link to the video

It makes a lot of sense to me. In the past when I lost weight I would often get down to 190 and then could not lose any more. I would stall at that weight and then eventually after sitting there for a few months would start to regain the weight lost. Last year, I managed to break through that level and get to 170. This is now my new plateau - my body's happy weight that it wants to stay at. The video explains that our bodies lose metabolism as we get older, lose weight etc.  So I have managed to lose the weight to this magic 170 and this is now my new baseline.

If I wanted to drop the baseline I need to change up my metabolism. Makes sense. It's all the things I have been talking about but just haven't managed to put into place. Exercising more, eating different and intermittent fasting. I've dabbled in Intermittent fasting for quite some time but never really did it officially or correct. No calories in the fasting hours. I can have water, coffee (black) or tea (black).

My normal day would look like this:
Get up 6:15
Start work at 6:30
Get biosteel with water (electrolytes) at 7
Make coffee (with collagen, MCT oil and HWC) between 8:30 and 9
Lunch at 12
Snack at 2
Snack at 4
Dinner at 6
Possible snack after dinner.... not always.

Here is my new plan for this week that I'd like to try and do:
Get up 6:15
Coffee (black) at 7
Coffee with collagen/mct oil and HWC between 11-12 with lunch
Dinner at 6 with Electrolytes

I'm going to try and eat MORE during my meal times and try to eliminate snacks during the day.  The snacks may be spiking my insulin levels which is causing my metabolism to slow down.

It's worth a try... oh and I'm still sick, but finally feeling normal and not blaming sickness for the scale results this morning... up 3 to 173! that might be super bowl :)

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