Friday, February 1, 2019


I'm sick. I could feel it coming on Tuesday night. Not physically, but emotionally. I went to bed thinking it has been about 4 years since I've spent a day in bed cause I've been so sick. Now I'm not nearly that sick right now but I did wake up Wednesday morning with a sore throat and a semi stuffy nose.  I'm pounding the vitty C and oil of oregano in hopes it passes quickly.  Went to bed at 8:30 on Wednesday night and felt awesome for the extra sleep I received.

Felt much better thursday but figured I'd go to bed early again on thursday night because there is nothing wrong with getting a little extra sleep.

Forecast is telling us that it's going to get cold next week. Not back east cold.. I honestly don't even know how people function in that cold but cold like near or just below freezing. That's cold for us west coasters. We have to pull out all the winter garb just to go outside... it's awful.  My poor crocuses were just starting to bloom in the backyard and now they will likely end up dying as they will have frozen ground around them for the next few days.

Back to this stupid cold. I find that unlike many people, when I get sick, my weight balloons. I don't know if it's water retention or the meds that I take when I have a cold or that I'm just full of snot but I can easily put on 3-5 lbs during my cold week so that is where I'm at right now. I haven't been eating any more, maybe even less but I have been drinking lots of water and tea and other warm goodness to try and keep hydrated and the mucus flowing... BLECH!!

So not much to report other than I have a cold, it's about to get cold and I'm up a few lbs...

So much for changing my weigh in day after all....


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