Wednesday, April 17, 2019

So apparently the tracking thing does seem to work

My weight has not dropped dramatically - actually only a lb in over a week, BUT.... the tracking shows me that I eat too much, no... make that WAY too much when I want to be losing weight.

I thought for sure I was in the 1200 calorie range but it's more like 1500-1800.  It's the little extras that I have that I don't count, or that I "under" count.   I might have been mentally counting that first serving of nuts but not the 2nd. Or maybe I think I've only had 2 pieces of cheese but really it was more like 5.

So the weight did not drop this week but I spent the week eating pretty much how I have been and the numbers were high, or at least too high to drop any lbs.

So this week the focus is streamlining what I eat. Planning what I'm going to eat.  It's really hard to guesstimate eating out so I have to assume that I will overeat in my calories anytime I eat out. I think that's just a fact.  I can't assume that a meal out will ever be in the 300-400 range. Unless I'm eating  a salad with no dressing, or anything else other than lettuce for that matter.

Was TOM last week so I was munchy... eating all munchies I could find. Staying as close to low-carb as I could but still that extra slice of cheese or extra dip in the veggie dip. IT all adds up.

I have reduced some of my carbs in the last few days and have already noticed a HUGE boost to my energy. Especially in the morning. I have so much energy in the am and I have not been needing my coffee in the afternoon as I was needing a few weeks ago.

Other things may be contributing such as the weather etc, but I truly believe it's the food.

The positive thing I have learned is that I can happily maintain my weight at 1500-1800 calories a day when I'm ready to maintain which will hopefully be sooner than later.

Happy Easter y'all!


  1. It sounds like the week of tracking was quite successful! You learned a lot about yourself and figured out a plan of action! Go you!

    As a side note. I track every day religiously....but yesterday I had a day where I was stress eating! I was kinda toying with skipping the tracking (first time in months) or just kinda ‘forget’. I saw the title of your blog post and before I could even read your post I had to o and track my food from yesterday! My range is 1200-1550 calories (I should theoretically still be losing at 1550...just slowly). I was over as I suspected...but not as badly as I thought! Mostly because even while I was in the cafeteria at work yesterday at lunch avoiding my healthy packed lunch I was still looking at calorie counts and choosing accordingly. (Well maybe not the brownie...and it DID help that the dinner that was planned was a lower calorie meal!)

    1. It's necessary.... I hate it but it really does work. And yes, it's good in that if you indulge you can hopefully make the adjustments to stay within range! Go us!
