Monday, April 8, 2019

Back to good old tracking

Well, nothing else seems to work. I think I'm doing well, I get to the weekend and I blow it.  EVERY SINGLE weekend!

This weekend I was good and then bought Easter candy for the kids. I like to have a bowl of candy out for them and their friends when they stop by. Problem is I snack on it too... and as I'm not officially tracking/counting anything, I go overboard!

So the only thing that will keep me in line is to track. I need to do this. I'm going to do this.

Weight was 171 this morning... so it just won't go down. I'm sick of it.

So I need to vow to track my food and more importantly plan my food for the day. As I work from home I don't have to plan my breakfast and lunch as those that have to commute to an office every day. I can decide what I'm going to eat as I get hungry. Benefits but also consequences..

So today I'm planning: Here is to getting me started:

B: BPC coffee with MCT oil, collagen and a 1/2 tbsp of salted butter
L:  Tuna melt - Avocado with sundried tomato tuna/mayo and a slice of cheese melted
S: Cucumbers and Dip
D: Filet Mignon, green bean casserole and sauteed mushrooms
S: Raspberries or pistachios.

Let's see how this goes. Lots of walking planned this week too as I need to get out more! Getting that Fitbit charged up! Oh and Zumba tomorrow night too!

The calendar is creeping up to my birthday and I really wanted to be in the 150s by then.... LET's GO!


  1. Can you get candy that you dont like? That way you are less tempted. Or out of sight out of mind like put them in a cabinet? How goes it?

    1. UGH... Sadly, I enjoy all candy! lol.... the bag is almost done and this weekend I will get the kids a few small treats that they can eat in their own bedrooms. You are correct, out of sight, out of mind... the battle continues!

  2. black licorice LOL or that sesame seed candy.
