Monday, April 29, 2019

It's like the twilight zone...

Well not really..

But you know those times when you lose weight during the week and you are "How the heck did that happen?" knowing that your behaviors for the past week did not constitute any reason for weight loss?

Well I did NOT have one of those weeks. HA HA

Actually the opposite. I'm at 174 this morning. I've been eating well... not over indulging in anything, cut out carbs as I stated back after easter weekend, not drinking wine (or nearly as much).... :).  The only thing I may have been snacking on a bit too much, is nuts... damn nuts, I love them!

So I'm up 4 lbs in 2 weeks.  I could do another kick start this week which I know would drop the weight but I have not had luck after the kick start in keeping if off so really, what's the point? So I see a 7 lb loss in 3 days and then it's back in 3 more days.

I have been slacking in the tracking department so that will have to start up again. But it's frustrating. I get myself back on track, I am out exercising more, I've given up most of my beloved wine on the weekends and no more cookies/candy/chocolate etc. :(

It's really gotta be the nuts. SO no mo nuts! Or I will at least have to bring out the food scale and measure out my portions cause my big handfuls are more than a recommended portion I'm sure.

And water... I slacked on the water this weekend. Not 4 lbs worth but I slacked.

Oh and my allergies are on FIRE!!! stupid left eye won't even open.  What a crappy start to the work week. Hopefully by thurs/friday I will be back to 2 fully functioning eyes and a little less water weight!

1 comment:

  1. I hate weeks like that...where you are pretty much on track (except for the darn nuts) and the scales go crazy in the wrong direction! Weigh the drain nuts and see what happens!!!
