Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Frustrating first 1/2 of May

Actually it's more than 1/2 of the month and it's been a total waste!

My weight has not gone down but it's gone up by about 5 lbs.  I have done nothing different, I have cut out my nuts and most cheese and I'm not losing. I'm gaining in fact!

I feel defeated.

The only thing I can do is to start tracking again to ensure that I'm eating correctly. But I have a strong feeling that it's not what I'm eating that is causing me this weight gain.

The only thing that has been different the last few weeks is my allergies, which have been awful and I have been taking lots of antihistamines and decongestants. Other than that.... NOTHING is different.

I'm mad. I know this happens but I would rather it be because I ate a cheesecake or a batch and a 1/2 of cookies.

I joined the local gym yesterday. I'm giving up my Zumba to try something a bit different. I love the Zumba but I was finding that it wasn't challenging me enough lately. I am going to start working a bit harder on my cardio and some strength/conditioning. I am not doing that for weight loss but more for health and my heart. Gotta take care of the ticker. So nervous and a bit excited to go this afternoon.

I'm 9 days from my birthday and 7 lbs away from my goal.... guess that goal is blown out of the water.

1 comment:

  1. How frustrating for you!!! Keep up the hard work though....the weight will follow! My problem when it feels like I’m doing everything right and the scales don’t show progress in a positive manner? I tend to throw up my hands for a day or two and just eat what I want..which is counter productive!!!
