Wednesday, May 8, 2019

WI Wednesday?

Considering I started May with a weigh in and it was Wednesday,  I figured I'd continue with wednesday weigh ins and see how it goes.  It's a change up from Mondays which always seem to leave me a wee bit sad cause I usually see a bit of a gain. I don't always eat as well on the weekends, I will splurge on adult beverages and usually breakfast which I don't eat monday to friday. I also don't get nearly enough water into me on the weekends. You would think that the monday weigh in would force me to do these things but I think psychologically, I have convinced myself that mondays will be high and I just roll with it.

So we switch it up. If it ain't working, we adjust, right?!  Well, let's just go with it for now or for the month of May!

So.... May 8th, one week from start and I was at 170.5 today. So down 2 from last wednesday. I love it, but I'm not celebrating. Not celebrating because I seem to always be above that 170 mark and never lower. I probably jinxed myself because when I was in the 200s I always saw 175 as my goal weight. I wanted to be in the 170s. Now I can't get out of the damn range!

I need to be careful this weekend with it being both R's birthday and mother's day. I know we are doing fondue on Saturday for R's birthday or going for steak dinner so I can work around that but not sure what will happen for Mother's day. Likely breakfast somewhere I'm assuming. We will see. Hopefully the 2 lbs is not short lived - it's going to be a challenge!

Ok. so 170.5.

Things I am proud of myself for doing this week:

No NUTS!! Hmmm.... interesting. Not because I didn't want them, but because we don't have them! :)  I have to go to costco tomorrow and I will buy some because they are great snacks for the boys so I will just need to really really work on my will power!  But this was a major plus.

WATER! As mentioned I was not great with  my water on the weekend, but I have been rocking it during the work week. Even making those extra trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night, which usually make me mad but right now, I'm good with it because flush it OUT!

EXERCISE: I have done about 5 sets of Yoga and am loving it. It clears my mind and I'm already feeling improvements in my movement and flexibility. Considering switching my Zumba to a gym membership as a new gym opened just a wee bit away from me. I'm still not 100% convinced and until I'm completely motivated I won't go, so it's still just a thought for me.

Things to improve on: 

SNACKING: Still doing the occasional snack on things I should not. No more pretzels or cookies so that is all good. And again, it is likely because I don't have any of that in the house, but that will change when we go to costco on thursday. Oh well... need to make smart choices.

STEPS! Although my yoga has improved, I'm still not getting the desired 10,000 steps a day. Some days it's 8000, some days it's 6000. Not near the 10,000 I want to be at. So will continue to work at that.

TRACKING: Fail, fail fail.... but that might not be all bad. The week or two that I did track I did notice that I was eating too much and so I adjusted. Maybe the tracking for me is just a check in to make sure I'm doing ok. But tracking would be good, I just get lazy at dinnertime and seem to forget!
I know it keeps me on track though.... LOL, get it? on track?.... lol

We will see where the rest of the week takes me!


  1. Good job on the loss!!!!! You are doing great!!!

  2. I switched to a once a month weigh in. Oh who am I kidding? I weigh in daily but only record it once a month. There, that is the truth. LOL
