Monday, September 21, 2020

Might be back on track

 It might be too early to report, but I don't care. This has been the first time in about 7 or so months that I have broke the 187 mark. I went to 186.2 on sunday but won't officially weigh in until wednesday. 

Again, might be too early as there is USUALLY a bounce back but I did track my food last week, drank way more water and avoided the temptations as much as possible. 

Things I did well on - tracking, water, avoiding sweets and processed carbs

Things I want to work on this week - still had too much wine on the weekend. Want to cut out the sunday glass. It's only one glass but it's a habit and I want to drop it. That's the plan next sunday!  It won't make a big difference in my numbers for the day or week, but it's the breaking of a bad habit. 

I feel motivated again. Not sure what the clincher was. Maybe it's the turning of a month from august to september and the nearing of fall. I like to get my shit together in the fall and get back to a regular schedule etc. 

Or MAYBE... it was because my best friend was just diagnosed with sleep apnea AND she told me that she thinks I have it as well. I might have it and I would not be ashamed of it, as people have it, including my husband. BUT, I don't want that to be MY diagnosis. I already have high blood pressure that I believe is hereditary as both my mom and dad had the same diagnosis and my dad has been otherwise healthy his entire life.   

I used to be a snorer - absolutely, but when I lost the 40 lbs a few years ago, I stopped snoring. Or so I was told. I know in the past few months, I have had a few nights of snoring although my husband says it's nothing like it used to be. So when she told me she thinks I sleep apnea and I should get tested, it sparked a fire in me. I need to get back down to the weight that my body was happy with in the low 170s and maybe even jump into the 160s to even better.  

So whether it's the change of the seasons or the motivation to not have another ailment added to my health resume, I'm ready to do this!


  1. Good job for breaking that barrier! I know for me when I’m losing once I break the barrier and drop I may teeter on the fence for a day or two but eventually within a few days that new lower number is my new norm!!! Go you!!

  2. I think it's a great idea to break a habit if you are not sure it fits in with your plan and goals. One of my goals with weight loss is to stop snoring too!
