Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Point Two

 A .2 lb loss. What's the point? 


I used to have a scale that only recorded weight in .5 lb increments. So for anything to register your weight had to change by 1/2 a lb. That 1/2 a lb sometimes took awhile to come and it meant something when I saw the scale change. 

This .2 lb stuff is dumb. LOL.... I mean, my socks weight .2 lbs. 

Anyways... a loss is a loss is a loss. But really, is it? 

It's TOM week... I feel it coming on too. The nausea, the need to eat all the food (hence the .2 lb measly loss), the skin irritations etc. 

I really need to start moving my body more. The weather has been horrible so I haven't even been going for my 2 times a day walks with the mutt. 

Covid cases are exploding here so any thoughts of me returning to the gym are not happening. Need to start scouring the internet for some good deals on some exercise equipment. I'd love to get a stationary bike and a weight lifting bench. Otherwise, we have all the dumbells etc we need. I don't really want to buy new cause I do want to eventually get back to the gym and new equipment is so expensive.  

So many excuses. :) 

1 comment:

  1. For that week of the month ANY loss is amazing!!!!!!! I’ve been struggling with working out this week also...and I’ve got the equipment! Grrrrr!!!
