Wednesday, November 4, 2020

WI Rollercoaster

WI day was today - my WI Wednesday and it was decent. I lost 1.8 from last week which I know was up a bit but I'm now at 180.6. 

The lowest I have been since February is about 180, so I'm about to break a barrier. Let's hope anyways. 

I was actually shocked that my weight was in the 180-181 range but I was pleased.  I had a bad weekend (3 day weekend) and indulged in things I shouldn't have so Monday I was up. Very  much up. 

But I got back to drinking my water for Monday and Tuesday and low and behold the weight dropped off this morning plus a bit extra! 


I've been going back and forth in my brain on whether I should switch my WI day from Wed to Monday. I know I slack a bit on the weekend and my brain tells me that it's ok cause I have 2 recovery days before my official WI. Stupid. But I need to be accountable for myself and for all my days, regardless of whether they are on the weekend or not. 

So for now,  I'm sticking with Wednesday. I'll see how it plays out the next few weeks. 

Here's the really weird thing though. I went back through my weight diary (cause I do weigh in every day), and for the last few months I've noticed a pattern where I'm lower on Thursday than I am on Wednesday. Every. Single. Time. 

Maybe I should move my WI to Thursday LOL... but that would only move the needle one day forward. 

Such mind games. 

I do know that I need to continue to weigh in daily though because it does keep me accountable and on track as best as I can. 

So we plug on and try to stay the course as best as I can, and did I mention to drink your water!! 


  1. I watch a YouTube channel where the gal give us her official weigh in on her official weigh in day...but she also weighs in every day and she averages them together. I’m kinda liking that idea....because it takes into account each day and is a picture of the WHOLE week! I’m seriously thinking about doing it!!!

    1. I've hear of this too! It sounds like it would be a great gauge!

  2. Good job! I used to weigh in on Thursdays when I did Weight Watchers and it definitely did mind games on me. I used to "celebrate" after meetings because it was the weekend! Crazy!

    1. Yes! Exactly. Need to redirect those celebrations into continuing the journey rather than taking a quick break to indulge! UGH.... why can't it be easy!?

  3. You're right, it feels like a lot of head games sometimes. But we have to find what works for us. I used to weigh in twice a week, but I have found that once a week works best for me.

  4. Way to go on the loss and I'm excited to see if you finally break your record. Keep it going! You're awesome.
