Friday, December 11, 2020

These are a few of my favorite things....

 As we inch closer to the end of the year and I wallow in the fact that we are not able to visit with close friends or family this season, I felt the need to reflect on the good. The stuff that keeps me going.  So I figured I would jot down a few of my favorite things, just to remind myself that things are ok, even when they seem that they are not... 

Here are a few.... 

1. That time in the morning on the weekend, when it's just me and the pooch. I can enjoy my cup of coffee and snuggle on the couch with a blanket and watch mindless tv or just scroll through social media.  I love to sleep in, but I enjoy this time more, so getting up early on a saturday or sunday is worth it to me. 

2. When my family eats every last bit of the dinner I cooked. It tells me that they enjoyed the feast, that the time that I put into cooking something filled their bellies and made them feel content. 

3. Walks on a dry crisp fall day.  I love to walk and feel/hear the crunching of leaves under my feet. If it's sunny enough to wear sunglasses, bonus! 

4. Hearing my favorite song on the radio so I can belt along with it. I will likely only get 5% of the words right though :) 

5. Family time. Just sitting together and chilling; whether it be playing a board game, or watching a hockey or football game. Love the living room being so full that someone has to sit on the floor. 

6. Receiving a text from a friend that I haven't spoken to in a long time. Reminds me that we need to reach out and say hi every once and awhile. 

7. A glass of red wine on a Friday night after a long week of work.

8. Hearing children playing. With mine all grown up now, I don't hear it often. I love the noise of children playing. 

9. Meeting a new puppy. Nothing beats a puppy. 

10. Hearing that a family member or a close friends has received good news from medical tests results. 

I will miss not seeing my family this year for Christmas. It's the first time in my life that we are not all together.  But we will be together virtually... not the same, but as of now everyone is healthy and safe and really that is the most important thing


  1. Thank you for the reminder that even if things are crazy that life is still intrinsically good...just different!!!

  2. I mess up the lyrics when I sing along to the radio so much that my husband likes to joke that the recording artist really should learn their own lyrics. Har har!
