Wednesday, January 20, 2021


Ok. I honestly thought I would see a HUGE loss this week. I even figured if it was a small loss, I'd be ok with it but probably not satisfied.  Well... I gained. WTF??? 

Like seriously. Scale was 177.5 today. Why?

  • TOM is over
  • I drank all my water 
  • I kept my calories in tact this week (I think... but honestly didn't track)
  • No alcohol
  • I didn't eat anything overly salty yesterday or the day before 
  • I haven't been exercising to account for any water gain to repair muscle strain 

So like I said,  WTF? 

I'm mad. I'm mad at myself because I am too reliant on the number on the scale. I'm mad because my two best friends are losing weight when I'm not. I hate to admit that I'm mad at them, cause I'm also proud of them, but DAMN!  I'm mad that what I'm doing is not working and has not been working for some time (September) 

So now what? I honestly don't know, but I can't keep doing the same thing cause it is not working and I feel like I'm just spinning my hamster wheel. 

I need to Regroup, Refocus and Re-evaluate 

I'm going to strip my calories for the next 2 days to see if I can kick start some sort of loss and then reevaluate my numbers. What should my calories be? Do I need to drop my carbs, up my fat, what? 

So for today it's bone broth, eggs and avocado. This has kick started me in the past, so I'm trying it again. I'm also considering a 48 hour fast sometime next week too but I need to do a bit more research. 


  1. I lost the link to your blog when I deleted my Blogger blog. I could have sworn I had it saved on my Wordpress one, but it wasn't there. Luckily I found you from a comment on Mary Fran's blog. Anyway, I get mad too about gains that don't seem to make sense. I was going to say you will probably see a loss next week, but I already read your other post and already know you had a good loss. Great job searching for a new way to do things instead of getting so frustrated that you lose traction! Moving forward, not backward, is always progress.

  2. LOL - I lost your link as well. Or rather they took me to closed sites. It was a comment you made on Mary Fran's blog that allowed me to find you again! LOL So funny.
