Wednesday, January 6, 2021

So Much Pressure.....

I mean really? Can a year have more pressure than what we are going to be expecting from 2021?  The reality is that it likely, hopefully can't get any worse, so anything will make 2021 better than 2020. 

I need to remember that 2021 has it a lot harder than I do, when I put pressure on myself. Last year was not a good year and I didn't take care of myself as I wanted to. 

My vow for this year is to take better care of myself  than I did last year. That means getting to my goal weight this year (165)!  And maybe a bit lower and also getting my body moving again. 

It might not be today or even tomorrow but I have 12 months ahead of me. 

At first I thought about setting a bunch of challenges for myself, but the reality is that I'm just not ready for that yet. I know if I start, I will fail so I need to ease myself into any challenges I put forth for myself. 

I do want to break the constant merry go round of my weight and finally break fully into the 170s and see that number lower on a regular basis. I looked back and I was basically the same weight (within a few lbs) when I started blogging again in September. I would see a few lbs loss here and there and then it would creep back up. 

It's gotta stop. I can do this. I've done it before. I need to get serious. 

I'm giving up alcohol for the month of January as I know that I am good for the 5 day work week and then all goes to shit on the weekend when I crack open a bottle for a few glasses of wine. The alcohol slows down my metabolism, it makes me snack, it's just not good for me right now. I don't drink a ton AT all, but if I have 2 glasses on friday and saturday, it's enough to sabotage any progress I had during the week. So it's done... for January. And then we will re-evaluate. 

That's it for me for this month. I'm not going crazy with other plans etc as this one will be hard enough for me. Hopefully it will make me drink more water on the weekends and reign in the snacking. 

Bought a new scale for myself for Christmas (FITTRACK) and it arrived yesterday. I calibrated it but it's still .5 lbs lower than my old scale, so instead of marking a loss or gain for this week, it's just going to be a new starting weight. 

There is definitely a change in my weigh over the last few weeks and it appears as of now I'm back on track. My last official weigh in was 177.8 back on Dec 16th so basically back to where I left off. 

So here goes.. my starting weight for January (first official weigh in). I'm back in the 170s. 


  1. I feel the same way: definitely didn't take very good care of myself in 2020. Well, I started to, then just quit. I am still playing around and trying to find what will motivate me, what challenges will be helpful and what will just be a waste of time. I have a new starting weight too, though. Time for changes and getting back on track!

    1. It's the challenges that I'm struggling with... lol. challenges with challenges! I want to start something but no motivation. Figure if I start to see the scale drop with food changes that might motivate me to move my body more! New year... new us, we got this!

  2. I’m with you...back where I started...but I am back where I started last year this time. I totally let the year 2020 derail me!!! But I’m back on track and focused. This is our year!!!

    Good luck with the January challenge! You’ve got it! I do the same with my weeks...I’m good during the work week and it all goes to pot on the weekend!
