I was really really mad at myself for my post last week. I know I should not be so tied to the number on the scale. It bothers me that I felt great that morning before stepping on the scale and just seeing the number plummeted me into such sadness.
I gained .4 last week. .4? Who cares. I know I ate well and drank my water etc, but I still allowed .4 lbs to bother me.
However, as much as the numbers control me, they also do motivate me. As upset as I was for not losing, it did kick my butt into gear and realize that what I've been doing for the last few months is just not working for me. I want to lose the weight. But instead, I gain a little, lose a little, stay the same for a bit, gain a little, lose a little, etc.
SO I know how I have been eating is great for maintenance, but I'm not in a maintenance state just yet. I want to get down some more. I want to come off my meds and I don't believe that is going to be possible until I lose more lbs.
I have figure out the key to maintenance.... great. But what about weight loss? Well, the only answer for me is less calories. UGH.... And more importantly, tracking... DOUBLE UGH. I know I'll do it for a few days and then stop it. I need something new to excite and motivate me.
In the past, when I have stalled (at least on the low carb way of eating), I have done a 3 day kick start meal plan. The plan is set, there is no counting of calories, but it's 3 days of low calories, extremely low carbs and no dairy. It's worked for me in the past, but honestly, by the 3rd day I'm starving and eat a ton of calories and the weight that I have lost during the 3 days is gained right back. Plus, it's not advised to do more than once a month.
I wanted to find a new method with similar idea and after some googling and youtubing, I found the 5:2 method. The concept is simple. You basically eat "normally" or as you normally would 5 days of the week and then for 2 days, you drop your calories very low (around 500). I figured I would try this for a little while and see how it goes. I did last wednesday and this monday and then I will start to rotate mondays and thursdays. I'm not doing 500 cause that's a little low for me right now, but instead I'll do around 650. Last wednesday was 650 and on monday I did 620.
These 2 days are the only ones I'm going to track. For now. Once I figure out what my low calorie days are, I will likely stop counting the calories for them as well and just wing it.
So it will drop my calories for the week to put me in the deficit that hopefully will help me shed the last 15-20 that I want to drop.
So what were my results? I weighed in this morning and I was 173.7. That's down 3.8 from last week! Biggest loss I've had in over a year. I'll take it!
An idea of what I eat on my low calorie day:
- Breakfast - I never eat breakfast but I still have my coffee with whipping cream (this keeps me full until lunchtime)
- Lunch - 1 Egg and 1/2 avocado with pink salt
- Dinner - Protein smoothie with almond milk, Fatso PB, whey protein, ice and an Egg.
* This Thursday I may scrap the smoothie and do a 2 egg omelet instead (no cheese, just veggies).
I also make sure to have electrolytes (biosteel) and tons of water. Sure I get the grumbles, but they pass. I also make the family a dinner that I don't feel like eating that day.
We will see how it goes. It has me excited right now, so I'm going with it. I know it's not a long term thing but we will see if it gets me closer to my goal in the meantime!
I have been struggling with trying to find something new, something to kickstart some progress, help me feel motivated again. I like the sound of the 5:2 plan. Nothing too regimented but sounds effective.