Wednesday, March 24, 2021

No news is good news?

Haven't had anything interesting happen the last two weeks so not really point in posting boring stuff. Still nothing that is mind-blowing happening in my life, which I think I'll be thankful for.  

We are all healthy. The weather is starting to turn. Things are good! 

Hubby turns 50 next month. I'm disappointed that we can't have a celebration with family and friends but it is what it is. We will still do a special dinner somewhere and the boys talked about taking him golfing so we will make sure to do something, even if it's nothing draw-dropping! 

Last time I wrote I spoke about my lab results and the fact that my doc had not called to talk about my numbers. I figured I was out of the woods... apparently not. He called monday and asked me to make an appointment to go over my cholesterol results. I'll hear him out but I know what he's going to say, and I am NOT going on any more meds. 

I have started tracking my BP daily as I want to have a log to bring into him to show him how good it's been. I think the berberine that I started (supplement) and the body movement has been helping. 

With regards to my weight and exercise. I have been moving more, I try to get in a strength training session at least 3 days a week and then I'm still doing my daily walks with Murph. It's been going well. 

My weight. I really really want to not have to focus on that damn number but I'm just drawn to it. I have been feeling better if the number rises a bit and I did think about just skipping weighing in daily but I KNOW that it keeps me focused or at least aware. I went back and looked at when I was my lowest weight 167.5 and about a month later, I stopped posting and I am pretty sure I stopped daily weighing and low and behold 10 lbs just slowly crept back on. So for now I keep weighing daily and try to not let it get to me - either good or bad. 

But for the record. My weight is down. I was 170.6 today. So close to my lowest weight. Not stressing it, not putting any specific goals on when I want to get there, but it's nice to have it just around the corner from where I am now. 


  1. Yes, no news is definitely good news!

    I have to weight regularly for that accountability. And when I don’t post...I’m usually struggling!!!

    1. I wish I didn't have the tie to the scale but I do. Maybe one day, I won't need the crutch.

  2. Yep, when I don't post for a while, it's usually because I am up to no good. So glad to hear you are doing pretty well. Great job being close to your lowest weight!

    1. LOL.. yes, my silence is likely cause I have not been on track. Thankfully, this time it was just boredom!
