Friday, August 13, 2021

A mini challenge

Usually when I see weight gain after a vacation, I jump right back in motion and get back on track. Not this time. For some reason, it's been hard for me to quit the handfuls of chocolate covered blueberries hiding in my produce drawer in the fridge. I am snacking on nuts, and pretzels and all things snacky

I know that having my period start the day that I finished my vacation was going to be tough, but I've used it as an excuse to not get back on track. 

So my period is now officially over, we are at the end of the week and I haven't even had the guts to weigh in as I know it's still high from last week. 

So my mini challenge is JUST for this weekend, to see if I can get back on track. 

Here is the challenge:

1. Drink my water - or more water, or at least some water!  My water intake has been awful, so I need to improve on that big time. 

2. Ditch the snacks. No more snacks. I'm eating my 3 meals for the day and that's it. 

3. Ditch the useless carbs. Way too many carbs this last few weeks. Chocolates, pretzels, crackers etc.  Gotta get em outta my mouth 

Let's see if I can do these 3 things this weekend and get myself back on track. Gonna be hard as hubby is working tomorrow so I will be likely just puttering around the house and if I'm bored, I'm likely gonna wanna eat. But I will have to be strong!  Strong like bull! :) 

I'll check back on monday and report if I passed or failed the challenge! 

Reminder that last monday I was 174.2 EEK. 


  1. I need to get back on track. All I have done is gain weight. I am starting now. I am starting by snack free evenings. I want to be at goal by year end.

    Paula C

    1. YEs.. we all need to get back on track. Summers are so hard for me personally. I find there is just too many reasons to go out and celebrate and eat and drink. Bad bad bad. I agree... no more snacking at night or between my lunch and dinner. So really, no more snacks! It's worked before, I know it will work again.
