Monday, October 16, 2023

My Test Worked and then...

Lol... the 2 weeks that I tracked and drank my water and limited snacking were great! The scale even moved and I felt great! 


But then I stopped. Stopped Tracking, stopped drinking water and started shoveling food into my mouth whenever I seemed to walk by the kitchen! 

I need an accountability partner. Someone to remind and push me... hubby is useless when it comes to that and I my two very close friends won't be of much help. One is on Ozempic so never eats and the other doesn't have any kind of issue with food so she doesn't feel my pain. 

Maybe I'll put some reminders on my phone to "remind me to drink and track" and to "put that cookie down!". 

Round 500 let's go. 

1 comment:

  1. I need a reminder on my phone to stop mindless eating. I have improved but I have a long way to go.
