Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Update of the update

 So I wanted to do three things to reign in the bad habits and see if the scale would start moving - how did I do? 

1) drink more water  - I think all in all I did better with this. Still not great, but at least I was filling up my water bottle a few times during the day, rather than filling it up in the morning and then not taking a sip until I was going to bed.. True story! 

2) No snacking after dinner - I did really really good with this one. I want to add in trying to remove that mid afternoon snack now... 

3) tracking my food - started off really good and then stopped tracking on the weekend. I did notice when I started tracking HOW MUCH food I was actually eating. When I would have to stop to add the food into my little app, I realized how quickly those calories add up. Seeing the numbers add up made me want to stop shoveling food into my face, but when I stopped tracking, the accountability went out the door and I found that I was eating more and more. So baby steps. 

I am going to keep up with the 3 this week and see how I do. My weight was starting to drop by end of the week but then it started creeping up for no real reason. 

At least no real reason I thought until yesterday morning when my period arrived. It's been about 4 months since I've had one and so it came out of the blue but at least the weight gain made sense at that point. 

I am still weighing daily - I watched a youtube a few weeks back and the creator had gone to the doctor and the doctor had told her to weigh herself each day, same time, wearing the same thing if possible. She asked him why and said she had always heard it was not good to weigh every day. He said, if he had a patient that had high blood pressure he would tell them to monitor it by taking a blood pressure reading daily so it really is no different asking someone with a weight problem to monitor their weight daily with a scale.  That made so much sense to me so I don't feel guilty about weighing everyday and I do think it keeps me on track. 

So continuing with the plan... will report a loss/gain after I get through this TOM or time of year in my case! 


  1. Great job with reigning in those bad habits! I am the same with my water. I slip up and fill my water with such good intentions but then at the end of the day discover I haven’t had a sip! And the tracking, yes yes yes! It’s crazy how fast those calories rack up and I don’t realize it unless I’m tracking!

  2. I take a water bottle with me every day to work and rarely drink much of it. I just really don't like it! I know I need it though. I have thought about weighing daily but am sticking to weekly for now.
