Friday, September 7, 2018

September Blues

Is it just me, or does it feel like as soon as we turn the calendar page from August to September that it suddenly feels like fall. Summer is over.  Well not technically over, but here on the coast, the nights become cooler, sometimes the rain rolls in and it just feels a bit chillier.  I need to have my jacket on when we walk at night with the pup and we turn off all the fans around the house that have somehow become a part of our "white noise" of summer.

Although the temperature is the best at this time of year, September is not typically my favorite month.   I find most Septembers I tend to get the blues.  I think I can attribute it to when the kids would head back to school and it would mean that all our long weekends and summer getaways had come to an end for another year.  The last few years, it's been a little easier with me working from home and the kids being self sufficient heading back to school.

This year is different.  The older kid has headed back to university again. And even though he's only a few hours away and he will hopefully come visit often, I miss him.  I love the man that he has become. He was always my gentle soul. Always polite and respectful but he has truly turned into a wonderful human being. I know our years with him calling our home "home" are limited as he will only have a few years left of university and then will likely move out on his own.  I dread that day. For now I cherish the weekends that he will travel home with a bag or two of laundry and the yearning for a good home cooked meal and when spring comes and he is home again for a few short months.

And then there is my little man. Still a high school student for a few more years but this year has taken on the journey of leaving our province for another to play hockey. He's different than my big guy. He's risky, adventurous and crazy some times. But he's all mine and I miss him terribly. I am going to try and visit him as often as I can for both of us and count down the days until Christmas when I can have them both under my roof!

My house is clean and quiet and I hate it. I want to pick up socks and coats and other such things that they have left behind as they move from room to room. I want to do a big grocery shop each week, knowing that they will have eaten mostly everything by mid week and I'll have to go back again and get more supplies to get them through to the weekend. I want the chaos.

All I have to say is thank god for Facetime!!

I've been away for the past few weeks in Alberta moving the kid, but I'm back now. Had a few slip ups with meals while I was away cause we did eat out a lot and there really is just no controlling carbs when you are eating out so much.  But I came back and weighed in this past monday and I am down again! So I'm happy about that.... 181.0!!!

Seriously, I can't remember when I last saw that number.  SO close to my personal goal of 175 but think I'll keep going for a bit more as I will still be in the "overweight" BMI category  and I'd like to get that a little lower.

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