Monday, September 24, 2018

Planes trains and automobiles

Took a few planes, drove in a few automobiles and slept next to some trains this weekend. All covered!

Went to visit my little one this past weekend and take in some of his hockey games. 2 flights there and back and a few hours driving to one of the games but it was all good.

We were able to stay at his billet's house which was lovely and nice that we could save on the hotel. She does live right next to a rail line however and there are between 20-35 trains that pass each day. Railcars that carry grain from Alberta to saskatchewan and beyond.  Some are quiet and some not so much.

It was a quick weekend but nice to see the boy and have some snuggle time with him. His girlfriend traveled with me so it was nice to have a companion on the plane and in the car!

Ate horrible and very little.  Lots of candy... cause I'm a sucker for candy and the house we were out had bowls of it! I had onion rings on saturday night at the arena because we had had a very early dinner and by 9pm I was starving.  But also at not much else. Just did not seem to be hungry at all on the weekend.

Weigh in this morning was 176.5.  I'm pretty sure that number will start to rise again a bit this week when I start consuming actual calories again!

I wasn't going to set a true goal weight but I think I'm going to put 165 in my radar. Maybe even possible before christmas????

I like that number because it's middle of the range 160-170 so if I gain a lb or two there won't be panic. Or at least I hope not.  And if I lose a lb or two it won't put me into the 150s.... and then allow the panic of when I only stay there a very short time and then creep back into the 160s!! It's all a mind game isn't it?!  I also like 165 because that will officially take me out of the overweight category on the BMI scale...   haven't been there in forever!!

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