Monday, January 28, 2019

Mind Games and Weigh In days

Over the years I have had different weigh in days depending on whether I had to go to a WW meeting and weigh in or if there was a challenge at work with an official weigh in day or just a random day that I picked.  I've never had a weekend weigh in day and that has been fine for me.  I tend to treat weekends as treats as we will eat out on one of the days and I will dabble in a few adult beverages as well so weekends are for relaxing and living life. Monday to Friday (well actually thursday) are for buckling down and being serious.

I've decided to switch my weigh in days back to one that makes me happier. I do see losses on mondays so don't get me wrong but I often find that I will weigh in on a tuesday or friday and there are additional losses. It's a mind game and it usually beats me up in some way.

I hate the mind games of the scale but they are there and if I continue to weigh myself every day they will always be there and I have accepted that.  So what day to choose??? Tuesday or Friday?

I will decide later this week... which means I'm picking the lower number and going with it! :) It will likely be friday as that gives me friday night to "cheat"... and then pick my socks up for the rest of the week.

I really wanted to see more weight gone for January.... so I will have to buckle down for february and try a bit harder.

Weekend was busy as we had my BF birthday on friday which consisted of fondue and wine. Saturday we had a busy day running errands and then R's game at night. Dinner was pulled pork and salad. Big breakfast sunday morning out as R had another game. We had sausages and cabbage for dinner last night which was basically like licking a salt block... so yummy but I could feel the salt bloating me right after dinner....Very little water this weekend.... BOO BAD ME!!!

So weight was the same this morning as last monday .... 170.  Not happy about that at all...

So mondays.... you are gone.... time to make room for my new best friend,  FRIDAY???


  1. I have weighed all sorts of days through the week. I right now pretty much weigh daily...and use Wednesday and Saturday as official recorded ones. (Wednesday’s I’m usually high and Saturday’s I’m low). I used to weigh in on mondays...first day after the weekend and it kept me on the straight and narrow for the weekend.

  2. Hi! This is Beth from :) I've changed my weigh in days up a lot over the years, and this time around I'm weighing in on Fridays. I find it helps me be really good during the week, gives me a little wiggle room on the weekends, and so far I'm seeing a lot of success with it. Good luck on your journey -- it ain't easy!

  3. It's the darn mind game... and yes I think I'm going to give Friday's a whirl because I do like to treat myself a bit on the weekends.
