Monday, March 25, 2019

The bad choices continue....

I considered not writing about this again but if I don't, I'm not being accountable and true to myself. If I don't write about it, it's not like it's not true and for ME, it's better to admit and try to fix it.

This week has been a struggle. I wrote about that last week and the struggle has continued. I have not been off the rails eating donuts and cookies but I have been "snacking" and cheating and not feeling good about it. 

Everything in moderation is not for me. It may work for some but what it does is give me permission to eat what is bad for me. Until I can get into a mindset where I can have one cookie or a bite of something and be done with it, I have to avoid. I was at that point before christmas so I know I can get back there again but I need to keep the temptations at bay until I get there again.

My body does not like sugars and wheat. I have had a little bit of sugar each day over the last week and half, but as a result I have a flare up in my eczema and have developed a few "spots" on my legs again. It's a wheat intolerance but the sugar also triggers it. I'm itchy and having to use creams to keep it at bay. I can have a cookie once and awhile but I can't have one each day. It's just not part of my life anymore. 

Not going to set any new goals this week other than to get back on track. Or as back on track as I can. It's warming up and the sun is shining so I want to be able to wear shorts soon and not worry about rashes and spots and regular blahness!

So the scale read 173.5 this morning.... AWFUL.. but deserved. Time to buckle down and get this shit done!

1 comment:

  1. I am brutally honest on my blog/posts also...if I am not I am cheating myself!!!!! You’ve got this!!!
