Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Turning the Corner

 A few updates on things and setting some personal goals. 

First off,  I went for my callback appointment and it was not the same spot that has been in question for a few years, rather a new "spot" on my right breast at 9 o' clock. The other lump is at 7 o'clock.  So as soon as I heard that I started to really panic - thankfully I wasn't told that news until I was actually in the mammogram room.  The technician took a few pics of the girls and then said that I would have to wait a bit for my ultrasound. She was very kind and gentle but never revealed any thoughts that she might have had based on what she saw. So I waited for about 45 minutes and surprisingly the time went by very quickly.  I was taken into the ultrasound room and a different technician and tech student ran the little wand up and down, right to left for about 10 minutes.  They left the room to discuss their "findings" with the radiologist. 

Then the tech student came back into the room and said, we got what we needed, you can go. I asked her if it was another cyst like the other one or something else. She responded that she is not supposed to tell me anything... BUT.... it all looks fine. They could not find anything in that spot so it was likely just tissue. Phew!!! All good. Received another confirmation call from family doctor yesterday saying all was fine and just to resume regular testing each year.  Did I say, Phew?! 

Nick has been good. Really good. He's still not doing any school or work but he's been happy for the last few weeks and getting back to working out daily. He's still seeing his counsellor and says he really enjoys talking to her! Win Win. As a nosey mom, I want to know details, but I know if he wants to share, he will share when he's ready. Or not. I just want to know details. I need to get past that. 

I have been good with my eating. Might have had a few minor slips with a few packs of candy or a cracker here and there, but otherwise I've been good! I'm down 1.2 today from last wednesday, so although we are going slow, we are at least moving in the right direction. 

Goals - I want to set some personal goals. 

1. I really want to pay down some credit cards that have been hanging around for some time. So my goal is to pay down some before I have to ramp them up again for xmas shopping. Maybe this will have to wait until January. :( 

2. Drinking more water. I need to focus on drinking more water. I've been having some leg cramps at night and my body has been a bit achy in the am and I think it's because I'm not drinking enough water, so that needs to change. I have a 1 ltr bottle and yesterday I filled it 3 times. It wasn't easy to drink all that water but I think that is where I want to be. Usually I would only drink 1 of them... maybe. I know that other liquids also count for water intake but I want to start drinking pure water. So yesterday, I managed 3, so I know it's doable. 

3. Work on transferring old video tapes to digital files. I started this project a few months ago and then stopped. I still have another 10 or so tapes to go so I just need to get it done. Hopefully by writing it down as a task it will motivate me to chip away at them. Also, that would help me clean up my office which is a pig sty right now with equipment and wires all over the place! 

Looking forward to how I do on these goals next week! 


  1. How scary for you! So glad it turned out ok!
    Great goals! I need to up my water as well! I tend to forget during the day! 😊

  2. I am so relieved that the tests revealed nothing concerning! Yay!! And your son sounds like that is going really well!!

    Great plans....I’m working on the water right now also!!!!!

    1. Yes, things seem to be good right now. thanks!

  3. Oh man, the beginning of this post had me holding my breath! I was saying "phew" right along with you! So happy to hear the good news after your appointment. Good luck on your goals :)

    1. Thanks.. so stressful! Thank goodness I didn't eat my stress this time.

  4. I had that happen last year and was called back for more testing after my first mammogram. I told myself it was just routine, but I was scared to death. I am glad it was nothing to worry about.

  5. Horrible stress!! It's funny how you think you are the only one being called back but it reality so many are actually called back! Regardless stressful!
