Wednesday, September 22, 2021

WI 2

I'm up from last week. 174.2 

But all in all I think I had a better week. I was more conscious about what I was putting in my mouth and sometimes it was bad but for the most part I did much better. 

Yesterday was Taco Tuesday so I know my sodium levels were up a bit which might account for a higher weight this morning but I think it's actually pretty accurate. 

So up .7 from last week. Not awful. Not great. 

I press on. I know that there are still many many improvements that I can make so I'm not beating myself up about the "gain" this week. 

I need to remove that mid afternoon snack. I really don't need it. Its such a habit.  Also don't need the dessert after dinner even if it is just a small snack. Just don't need it. 

My goal this week is to limit more carbs as I'm still feeling super bloated.

Starting to do some online shopping and as I said last week, no bigger sizes!  Also getting my hair done on Thursday! It feels like it's been ages since I got it cut/colored so yea!! 

So I'm not discouraged and I hope I can keep pressing on. 


  1. Well, don't leave us in suspense! What did you get done to your hair? I am always contemplating a haircut or new color, then I always keep it the same. Did you make a big change?

  2. LOL - I went closer to my natural (darker), added a few highlights and cut about 4 inches off!! I love it. :) It still sits around my shoulders but as I have super duper thin hair it's lighter and has more bounce!
