Wednesday, October 6, 2021


This weekend we will celebrate Thanksgiving - the Canadian version at least.  

This will be my first thanksgiving as an orphan - no momma and no poppa to celebrate with me. It's been almost 25 years since my mom past away but with dad leaving us this past January, it will be a hard few months with thanksgiving and then Christmas. 

I love the holidays. I love having the boys home with their girlfriends and this year with Covid restrictions lifted my sister and her family can join us as well. We are going to keep it casual with regards to food and just have Lasagna (courtesy of a local Italian restaurant) and salad. We will gab and laugh, watch some hockey and just have a good night. 

Oh and the MIL is coming too. God help us. Don't get me wrong, I've tried, tried really really hard to like that woman but I don't. I can't. I won't. She's tried for 25 years to form a relationship with me, but I have avoided and refused it at all costs. I'm not sure if it's the fact that my mom is no longer here and I don't want a replacement or if I just don't like her. I'm pretty sure it's the latter. 

The kicker is this - she's getting older and she's not taking care of herself at all. She has let her health go downhill the last few years and especially with Covid. My hubby rarely sees her and whenever he calls her, she's drunk.  Now, this used to be a woman that always dressed nicely, kept her house super clean and saw her friends on a regular basis. Now she sits at home in her own filth, drinks all day and rarely sees anyone. 

We've talked to her about getting help as she's clearly depressed but she denies it all and tells us she's fine. Her house smells like cat pee and her fridge is empty.  My husband took her to a retirement home last week. One where you can start off unassisted but then move into assisted living if needed.  She faked her way through the tour and oohed and aahed the entire time and then when they left she said it was nice but she's not yet ready for that. We believe she said that because she can't smoke there and they will limit her alcohol consumption. 

I'm embarrassed for my husband who is embarrassed for his mom. I also feel guilt in that we are not doing more, but something about her is preventing me from wanting to help her. I'm not sure what it is. It might be that she doesn't want our help, so why bother. Or maybe it's just cause I really don't care for her and that when she rubbed me the wrong way 30 some years ago, I've just never quite gotten over it. 

Regardless of what it is, she will be coming to my house on Saturday with her gossipy ways and her piss-filled Depends and I will be dreading the fact that I picked October to give up the wine! 

So Happy Canadian Thanksgiving y'all. Wish me luck! 


  1. maybe you could indulge in a few "large" goblets of Cabernet.... it is medicinal you know

    1. LOL - I do say that a glass of red is good for my heart ! :) Doctor even says so.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! I’m hoping and praying everything goes smoothly with your mother in law and that maybe..just maybe something will click and your husband can make some headway into helping her…or rather getting her to accept his help!

    ~hugs to you as you miss your father!!

  3. How did it go? Was it as bad as you thought it would be? It really is impossible to help someone who doesn't want your help, regardless of whether you like that person or not. This is a lesson I remind myself of with my stepkids! I hope it wasn't that bad, and I am sorry you are facing the holidays without your dad. Is there some sort of tradition that he liked that maybe you could continue in your parents' memory?
