Friday, November 2, 2018

Set Backs

It's been awhile since I posted and as stated before, if I don't post I tend to lose my own personal accountability. I saw my weight creep back up to 176 this week... I think I'm back down to 173 now but it also means I haven't lost anything in over 3 weeks.  I know why. It's cause I've slacked, I've had set backs and in all honesty, I've let junk come back into my life.

Candy... I love candy. I bought candy for halloween - mostly for R because we stopped giving out candy a few years ago because it stresses the dog out so much every time the door bell would ring. Plus, he has a scary bark which is not good for the littles.  In addition,  that trick or treater numbers in our neighbourhood have dimished over the years. When we first moved here 16 years ago, we would get hundreds of kids.. now maybe, 20. Maybe. It's not worth it.

So I've had a bit of candy. But the real issue is I haven't been eating healthy. I've had very little veggies, other than cucumber and most of my snacking has been cashews!!! or cheese.  So not a whole lot of nutrition going into my body. And it's laziness. I don't want to take the time to make up a healthy snack so I just grab what's there. I have to get back to planning meals or at least planning to have good food in my house so when I'm hungry and need to snack, there are healthy options.

Eating low carb can be tricky sometimes to find good healthy food and often that means I'll just skip the snack all together or eat a handful of nuts. Cheese is good once and awhile, but sometimes I feel like a cheese wheel at the end of the day!!

This week has been a week of money flying out the window. R returning to play hockey here has ended up costing us 12K and our furnace blew which was another 5K... it's been a crappy week.

Going to go down to the freezer right now and take out something for dinner tonight and fill up my empty water glass :) . We normally go to the pub for dinner on fridays but will skip tonight. Plans for steak dinner tomorrow with friends so tonight it's a home cooked meal!  Gotta start somewhere!!

I know stress has been a contributing factor to my laziness for health and planning but I need to get back on track. Christmas is just around the corner and the stress is going to pile on so might as well get it under control now....

1 comment:

  1. Yikes to the stress!!! You recognized it also recognized your issues with your eating! Knowing what needs to be fixed is the biggest part of fixing (at least I tell myself that!!!)
