Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Spring Ahead

This coming weekend is the spring ahead weekend where we switch our clocks to have a bit more daylight in the day.  I'm pretty indifferent as to whether it's worth it or not. The time change really does not affect me much as I go to bed early anyways and morning are always dark regardless of the time, but it affects my kid and my dog. So I have to go through the pain of them switching their body clocks to match the new times.

The time change also dictates the reminder to check the smoke detectors and filters on the furnace. Just a few maintenance things around the house to ensure we are safe and have a healthy house.

It's a sign that spring is just around the corner and I'm ready for it. We've had a very cold winter for us, but it's been dry which is rare on the west coast. I'll take it though. I think we can prepare for a nice warm spring, or at least that is what I'm hoping for.

With the corner rounding into a new season it's also time for me to make some changes in my health, eating again. I've been doing well and I feel great, but I really want to meet my personal weight and health goals this summer.

I want to lose another 10-20 lbs and work towards getting rid of my medication. I went to see the doctor yesterday and my BP is the best it's been in a long time. 110/74 He said if it stays steady we can think of reducing the meds soon. Hopefully that happens by my next appt in 3 months.

I have to go for a repeat u/s for the cyst in my breast. It's a followup from 6 months ago. I'm not too worry about it, and I can't let it worry me. Just need to stay on top of things and make sure that I do all the necessary tests. Mom had breast cancer when she was 43 so there is always a worry that I could get it too.

My weight is continuing to fluctuate by the same 3 lbs since October. I really want to just have a breakthrough and push into the 160s. I'm so close. This monday when I weighed in I was 173.. so back up, even though I know that 3 will be gone by friday (water weight from the weekend), it will go back down to 170 and then back up again to 171 or 172. I might sneak a peak at 169 but it never drops much more than that. This morning I was already down to 169.5 but I won't feel satisfied until it sticks or goes lower. I'm like a broken record!

So... to try and push myself into spring I have decided to do a 3 day keto kickstart to try and trick my body into losing weight again.  I'm on day 2 day and feeling great... lots of energy and clarity but I do have zumba tonight so will see if that energy will run out.

Here is the kickstart:

Yesterday was easy. I made a big pot of macaroni and cheese and ribs for dinner for the family and I don't eat either so I didn't have any temptations.

Tonight I will make sausages and cabbage for dinner, which will keep in the fridge for leftovers for me when I'm ready to start eating normal food again on thursday! :)

Off to make my egg. :)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your three day kick start!!

    The older I get, the more I hate winter and the darkness. I can not wait for Sunday and the time change!!!!
