Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Battered and Bruised

So Monday night is normally wash my hair night. As my shoulder has been bugging me the past few weeks, blow drying my hair has been a challenge and this monday was no exception. I took a couple advil after my hair drying, watched some tv, read a book and went to bed.  I have been sleeping on my right side (I'm a side sleeper) as my left shoulder/arm has been bugging me. I woke up about 4 am and had to go pee. I also sleep with ear plugs just cause I like to block out ALL noises when I sleep.  While still lying on my right side I pulled out my ear plugs from both ears with my left had and extended my arm over to the bed side table to put the earplugs down while I visited the bathroom. Well... something popped and OMG the pain. I thought my shoulder was being pulled from my body. 

I got up to walk to the bathroom and immediately got dizzy, intense cold sweats and could not walk. I fell to the floor gripping for the bed in pain. My husband woke up and asked me what was wrong and I told him my shoulder. He ran downstairs to get me some ice. 

I've never dislocated my shoulder before but this is the type of pain that I imagine it feels like. I tried to see if it was drooping from my body like I've seen in shows and movies but it seemed to be in the right place. I pushed gently on it and the pain did not subside. 

Here is where it gets dodgy. I somehow made it into the bathroom and as I was still sweating to death I wanted to lay on the cold tile. I felt so much better. My husband came into the bathroom and helped me to the toilet to pee. 

To add to the drama, it appeared that I had also started my period. And it was HEAVY. Like day 2 type of heavy. I could not believe it. No warning, nothing.  So hubby excused himself from the bathroom as he can't be around feminine products.  

I then looked down at my toe and it was all RED. WTF? I did not have my glasses on but I could also see small splotches of what looked like blood on the bathroom tile. Maybe 3 or so smudges. Not drops.  I asked hubby to grab my glasses as I thought maybe something was wrong with my toe. 

Well it appears I had managed to RIP about 2/3 of my big toe nail off my left foot. And it was bleeding, badly.  I don't remember kicking anything or banging it on anything. How strange. I cleaned up the splotches on the floor and hubby said he would bandage up my toe for me. 

I sat on the edge of the tub while he bandaged up my foot. I was looking in the mirror and saw a red mark on my cheek. WTH now?? 

I had a large mark on my left cheek and above my eyebrow and it looked like a bump was starting to form about my eyebrow. 

Did I faint? Pass out? I must have. Somehow somewhere from moving from the side of the bed to the bathroom floor I passed out. Banged my head and ripped off my toenail. 

I now sit here with a black eye, a bruised arm and a messed up toe. IT was an eventful monday night. 

My guess is that it was just a perfect storm. The pain in my shoulder, along with getting out of bed so quickly and my extremely heavy period that caused me to drop. 

Needless to say, I won't be going anywhere anytime soon.  I'm feeling fine. No headaches, or anything like that. Oddly, my arm feels so much better too. But my face?? That's a different story. Fun times! 

Scale thankfully was still down this morning. Not as much as I would have liked but I'll take it. 171.3 


  1. Holy smokes. What a terrible night you had. I was thinking your shoulder pain could possibly be a damaged rotator cuff. You will need to see a doctor for sure. Yes, serious pain will cause a blackout. I have had it happen in the past. It is so scary. I have had to have my husband carry me out of the bathroom. I hope you are on the mend. You may want to schedule an appointment to let you doctor know about the blackout, shoulder pain & the heavier period. If you have been vaxxed it is a side effect. The doctors say it should ease up after some time has passed. My doctor advised there will be a study on this side effect as at this time it isn't life threatening or anything.

  2. The side effect pertains to the heavier period. Not the blackout or shoulder pain. Sorry about not being more clear.

  3. on the mend!! I was full vaxxed back in June but yes, my periods have been odd since then. However, I think I'm also entering Peri-menopause so it could be anything really. This is the first time that I have not had a "light" day to start. I keep a journal and will be mentioning it to doc next time I see him if it happens again.
