Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reflection and Motivation

To first mention - I was good yesterday. I went home, did not snack, had dinner and stayed relatively within the MFP calories (1200). I think I was at 1250 or something like that, but seriously, who the hell can live on 1200 calories a day. Not me...

So I was good, I drank my water, I stayed out of the cookie jar - so why do I get so angry at myself when I stand on the scale in the morning and don't see a major loss of 5 lbs? the scale went down .5 a lb but considering I'm still off 1 lb from where I was monday morning that still is not a loss. I need to get below the monday morning value to feel happy.

It's weird how our moods control how our day will pan out. When I lost the 1 lb this monday I was happy. Really happy. My monday was a good day. I was motivated all day at work, I had energy when I came home etc.

But then, Tuesday and wednesday I showed a gain... and my day felt blah (much like the weather). People will tell me to not weigh myself every day if I can't control the feelings that I get when I see the number but the fact of the matter is that the number that I see on the scale keeps me in control. If I don't weigh in every day, I tend to forget, eat and ultimately gain weight.

So, I will continue to try to be good, drink my water, stay within my calories etc. I will continue to weigh myself each and every morning in the buck nekedness of my bathroom and I will continue to feel elation or defeat each time I see that number. Oh well... as long as I know what it does to me and how I feel afterwards I think I can work with that. Actually maybe it will make me stronger in the end....

So I'm down .5 from yesterday. Yay.. I think.

goals today - drink my water, eat my calories, don't gorge when I go home...


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