Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Week 1 Day 3 ...

Ok - I'm not sure if this new motivation is because I can see the scale moving but I literally feel lighter on my feet and much more motivated to make this happen.

Here were my goals for yesterday:
1) get 5000 steps in today min - CHECK 6040 Min...
2) drink my water - CHECK
3) stay within pts  - CHECK
4) research pedometers - CHECK
5) measurements - CHECK

Wow... full 5/5 - I'm pretty proud of myself.

1. First off, I found a new pedometer on apps called Striiv and so far it seems to work pretty welll. The last app that I had did not really record steps very well if my phone was in my bag etc. This one seems pretty good. So the only time it records is when I'm walking with my phone which is on way to work, on way home from work and when I exercise. So 6040 for the day (actually after 10am) is pretty good because I am not recording all steps.  I think I want to get an official ped checker though but more on that later...

2) Drank my water... mostly at work.. but still did it.

3) stay within pts - Came right on. Actually I think I went over by two but I had activity pts to use so I don't really count those as pts consumed.

4) research peds - I did this and think I'll put off buying one until I go to Vegas. Maybe they will be cheaper down there than up here. I want a fitbit one.

5. Measurements - this was nasty... my waist was 41". Is that even possible? Regardless it's recorded... next recording will be right before i go to vegas... got me some work to do.

today's goals:
1) 6000 steps
2) Water
3) stay within pts
4) clean the downstairs bathroom
5) 10 pushups

Don't ask about 4 - I think I need to add cleaning goals in there or my house will never be cleaned! :-)

Till tomorrow...

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